The Non-Binary Body Image Project Podcast was developed in the winter of 2021 and launched in April with the debut episode highlighting my story seeking treatment for an eating disorder as a non-binary person. The podcast quickly became a place for trans and non-binary folks to talk about how we see ourselves and how we feed ourselves. This project is an attempt to fill in a gap in the eating disorder treatment world that largely ignores the unique recovery issues that trans and non-binary folks face in the world.

In this episode, you will hear from Nica/o about their history with hunger and Bulimia Nervosa, body and gender dysphoria, and how their status as an adoptee and trauma survivor has impacted their relationship with their body image. Special thanks to Jai Myer (@relentlesslyeye) for the gorgeous logo and to Curt Rivadeneira ( for the intro and exit music. Special thank you and acknowledgment to the Aina of the Hawaiian Kingdom and Queen Lili’uokalani and her people, as Nico is a visitor to the land on which this episode was recorded.